The cover letter ideally consists of only one page, so you should use every line. With an individual introductory sentence in the application, you pick up HR immediately. Here you can read what makes a good start and how you can get one step closer to your next job interview.
Why is a good introduction important in the application?
HR managers don’t just read your application. There are often numerous applications every day. As a result, they can only take a few minutes or even seconds for each one. Even the introductory sentence has a significant impact on whether recruiters will consider you for the position or put your application aside. A crisp introductory sentence in the application
- Arouses the interest of HR professionals.
- Encourages further reading.
- Makes your motivation for the job clear.
- Will be remembered and set you apart from the competition.
Formulate introductory sentences for applications: tips & common mistakes
The introduction “I hereby apply to you as…” gives HR managers the feeling that you haven’t bothered to think about an individual start.
With the following tips you will find an introductory sentence for your application that leaves a better first impression. We also tell you common mistakes that you should avoid when writing your introduction.
Tips for a good introduction to your application
Research the right contact person
“Dear Sir or Madam” quickly indicates a mass application and creates a distance between you and the reader. Check who the right contact person for the application is. In most cases you will find the name of the responsible person in the job advertisement. If not, check the company’s website or just call HR and ask.
Follow up on previous contacts
If you’ve had previous contact with the company, such as over the phone or at a careers fair , be sure to reference that in your introduction. This is how you remind recruiters of what you discussed with each other. Ideally, they will automatically deal with your application longer. In addition, you prove your commitment and interest by repeatedly contacting us .
“Dear Mr. Mustermann,
First of all, I would like to thank you for the informative interview on July 13, 2022, in which you explained to me the specific area of responsibility of the position you advertised. I bring the necessary core competencies with me, because…”
Be brave
Do you want to stand out from the competition right from the start? A creative introductory sentence in the application can help you with this. For example, start with a little anecdote related to the topic in question.
“Dear Ms. Mustermann,
As a volunteer environmental activist, I have been pursuing the goal of drawing attention to the consequences of environmental pollution and preventive measures to combat it for ten years. I could achieve a lot more in your company. This has prompted me to offer you my support as XY…”
With this introduction you have already attracted attention, stated the reason for your application and conveyed an important qualification. In addition, the introduction shows that you would approach the tasks of the job with ambition.
Important: Despite all your creativity, always stay professional. The following example shows how not to do it:
“Dear Mr. Mustermann,
As a self-proclaimed epicurean, it has always been my dream to support the company that I owe my daily beer after work! For this reason, I hereby apply to be the master brewer in your brewery.”
Ask a question
With a question sentence, you immediately involve readers. In addition, this simple approach makes you curious about the further content of the cover letter.
“What do successful and profitable risk managers need? A lot of commitment and a high level of professional competence. It is precisely these qualities that I was able to consolidate in my previous position as a junior manager at XY.”
Keep the formula short and crisp
HR managers have little time and will thank you if you get straight to the point. Show in short sentences who you are and what makes you the perfect candidate for the position. The following two introductions show the difference.
Please don’t:
“Dear Mr. Mustermann,
Due to my great passion for music, I have been dedicating my free time to various instruments and composition courses since my childhood, which is why I completed a degree in composition, which gave me the knowledge I needed to work as a teacher in your music school.”
“Dear Ms. Mustermann,
Music is your passion – mine too. Ever since I was a child, I have devoted my free time to various instruments and composition courses. I completed my studies in the field of composition and am now motivated to pass on the knowledge I acquired in your music school to interested students.”
In the second example, the employer is addressed directly at the beginning of the application. The sentences are short and meaningful and the writing style is still fluid and easy to read.
Have friends read your introduction
Ask outsiders to take a look at your cover letter and ask them the following questions:
- Would you like to continue reading after this introduction?
- Does the introduction make you curious about me?
- What is your impression of me after reading the introduction?
Applicants are sometimes so engrossed in the writing process that they find it difficult to put themselves in the shoes of the readers. Acquaintances and family members are therefore a good help.
Also read : Steps to introduce yourself in an interview
Typical mistakes in introductions
Appear arrogant
“You can now give up your search, with me you have found the perfect candidate for the position!”
Exaggerated self-confidence quickly comes across as arrogant. Instead, link your strengths to the requirements of the job advertisement and show how well suited you are for the job. Also, avoid just writing about yourself and your goals.
Provide information that is not noted in the resume
Only state in the cover letter what you can also prove in your CV . Anything else makes you seem unbelievable.
Hackneyed phrases
“I read your ad with great interest…”
“I hereby apply…”
“I refer to the advertised position of…”
The cover letter should be serious, but no HR manager wants to read a text made up of standard phrases. Do not copy ready-made texts and sentences from the Internet. That is immediately apparent. Instead, invest some time and think about what might make your introduction interesting.
Use subjunctive
Subjunctives are a no-go in the application. They give the impression that you are not sure whether you are suitable for the position.
Please don’t:
“Dear Ms. Mustermann,
I would be very happy if I could support your team with the skills I have acquired in the field of forensic genetics as a trained IT forensic scientist.”
With a submissive attitude, you convey that you don’t feel up to the task yet.
“Dear Mr. Mustermann,
With the help of the skills I acquired in practice-oriented studies, I have all the skills to support your forensic department as a trained IT forensic scientist.”
This formulation appears more self-confident and convincing. The example also shows how you, as a career starter, can use a qualification as a direct starting point for further applications. You can now go into the further course of the core competencies that you have acquired during your studies.
The right introductory sentence for your application: examples
A note in advance: The following examples only serve as food for thought. It is important that the entire cover letter carries your personal touch so that you stand out from your competitors.
Introductory sentence for applying for a training position
Have you graduated from school and are now writing your first application? In the introduction, school leavers are convinced by showing their motivation. Why are you applying to this particular company? What excites you about the position?
“Dear Ms. Mustermann,
After graduating from the vocational school for social and health care, I am open and motivated for practical challenges in the health sector. Your advertised training position meets both my expectations and my requirement profile. That is why I would like to use the knowledge I have acquired in your company.”
Entry for applying for an internship
“Dear Mr. Mustermann,
Our society has never been so reliant on motivated workers who are committed to protecting our environment. In addition to my school career, I have devoted most of my free time to this important topic. Now I would like to expand the professional skills I have acquired in your company as part of an internship.”
Introduction for experienced professionals
If you have already gained professional experience , you can describe your know-how and previous experience directly in the introductory sentence. Tip: It is best to document your success with concrete numbers.
“Dear Ms. Mustermann,
Are you looking for employees who have leadership qualities and sales talent? During my three-year management of a ten-strong team at Example GmbH, I was able to increase the sales of the product Sample by 7%. I would now like to use my knowledge profitably in your company.”
Also read : Myths about application