When it comes to a job interview, there are questions you have to prepare for and questions you don’t prepare for…because they are prohibited. In terms of the recruitment process, the Labor Code is very clear: “The information requested, in any form whatsoever, from a job candidate can only have the purpose of assessing his ability to occupy the job offered or his skills. This information must have a direct and necessary link with the job offered or with the assessment of professional aptitudes. So it is better to know in advance these questions that recruiters are not allowed to ask you.
Family issues
The family situation of a candidate has a priori nothing to do with his ability to perform a job. As a result, all questions related to it are banned.
Examples of prohibited questions:
- Are you married, single, or divorced?
- Do you have children?
- How old are your children ?
- Do you live alone?
Do you plan to have children soon?
Health issues
In theory, a person’s state of health cannot be a barrier to employment . Regardless of the state of health, it is not up to a recruiter to determine whether the candidate is physically fit. This is a responsibility that falls to occupational medicine and that is why a medical examination is compulsory at the start of the contract.
Examples of prohibited questions:
- Are you suffering from a disease?
- Do you have a disability?
- Are you HIV positive?
Special mention for the question “are you pregnant?” which achieves the feat of being both in the field of health and family.
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Questions about physical appearance
Recruitment should be based on skills and ability to hold a position , not physical appearance. Obviously, it’s impossible to hide your appearance during an interview, but that’s not why the recruiter has the right to take the opportunity to ask questions.
Examples of prohibited questions:
- Do you have any tattoos?
- What is your natural hair color?
- How much do you weigh ?
Privacy issues
We talk enough about the work/personal life balance to know that the two should not be mixed up. Sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origins and even a criminal record therefore have nothing to do with an interview.
Examples of prohibited questions:
- Are you straight, bi or gay?
- Do you practice a religion?
- How long have you been living in France?
- Where does your accent come from?
- Have you ever been sentenced to prison?
Questions about commitments and ideas
Whether political, trade union or associative, your commitments concern only you. Not your future employer.
Examples of prohibited questions:
- What do you think of such a political party?
- Who do you think you will vote for in the next election?
- Are you unionized?
- Are you involved in an association?
And a few exceptions
Obviously, as soon as there is a rule, there are always exceptions. The labor code is no exception. In certain job-specific situations, recruiters may ask questions that are generally prohibited. This is the case for certain professions for which a clean criminal record must be presented. These are mainly professions that involve contact with minors, in connection with surveillance or the banking sector. Another exceptions: physical appearance. In an artistic context, employment can be conditional on physical elements, such as recruiting an actress or a model.
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