Overnight we found ourselves forced to telework. That March in which many companies sent their professionals home to work is long gone. So the goal was to contain the first wave of this pandemic. However, at this time there are still many organizations that recommend teleworking to their employees.
So much so that a few weeks ago, the Government launched the Teleworking Law. A norm with which one wants to legislate a situation that until now had not been regulated in any way. After a few months of adapting to this new modality of remote work, we can find ourselves facing two very different situations.
That of those professionals who have adapted wonderfully to teleworking and want to continue enjoying it (even if it is not one hundred percent of their day). And those who prefer to go to the office daily or spend most of the time of their working day away from home, at the physical headquarters of their company. All this will depend, of course, on the evolution of the pandemic, on whether the conditions for teleworking at home are optimal, and on whether you are emotionally prepared for it.
For teleworking, you must have the agreement of the parties
First of all, you should know that the new legislation approved by the Government clearly indicates that teleworking is an optional modality, which will have to be adopted by the parties by mutual agreement , after negotiation. Let’s see what the current legislation says. To begin with, you should know that those days in which remote work is equal to or greater than 30% of it are considered teleworking.
From there, it will be possible to decide or make the requests that as employees we consider necessary, beyond these times of pandemic. That is to say: let us imagine that we are fully convinced that we want to telework. The first thing will be to raise this option with our immediate superior .
The most convenient in these cases is to find out about the company’s policy. Because it may already have regulated teleworking and the percentages that they want to grant to their workers. If you are willing to adapt to the conditions, it will be necessary to sign a teleworking agreement. This will include in writing all those issues related to the working day, the conditions in which the work is to be carried out , flexible hours and even the compensation of expenses, which must always be borne by the company.
Take the step: request to telework from the company
If teleworking is not regulated or contemplated within the company, the ideal thing to do is to make a direct and formal request. You can write a letter to your boss, in which you describe the benefits that teleworking can bring to your company. Also describe your current situation in the organization, indicate how you plan to meet your working hours and what type of communication systems you will use. It is also important that you develop your motivation for requesting this modality of remote work.
In addition, you can suggest a trial period, in which the company can analyze the performance and productivity of your teleworking experience . In fact, the telecommuting agreement can be revoked at any time, either because the remote work is not working or because the employee does not fully adapt.
Also read : Pros and Cons of teleworking