Acquire new skills, discover a new field, and even obtain a diploma… Thanks to technology, everything is just a click away. So take advantage of it. Our selection of the best courses to follow without moving from the sofa. Here’re the top online training ideas to enhance your CV.
Top 6 Online Ideas to Enhance Your CV
Babbel: Not the tower, the app
We would all like to be able to write on our CV that we are bilingual in English, that we know all our variations of German, and that we even have some knowledge of Portuguese. But the reality is often far less glamorous. And the time to practice our foreign language skills is lacking. So why not test online courses?
On the Babbel application, 14 different languages are offered for online training. Norwegian, Danish, Russian, or even Indonesian, you will inevitably find your favorite language among the various online courses. And if you can’t immediately add a line to your CV, you can always plan your next trip to test your new skills.
Canva: to become the ace of design
In addition to being one of our favorite apps for getting organized , Canva also allows you to learn new skills. The online courses offered by the platform are a real gold mine. Free version, paid version, there is something for all tastes and all wallets. On the program: video tutorials, explanations and even practical applications. Magnificent, right?
Also read : Top online course ideas to explore new horizons
Google training – Digital Marketing: to really be a digital pro
The American giant offers training on digital marketing. Accessible to everyone, even your great-aunt who still has ADSL. It’s not complicated: 26 free course modules created by Google trainers over a total duration of 40 hours. After that, the concepts of digital marketing will no longer have any for you. The little extra: a real diploma is awarded at the end of the online training. “Ok Google, when do we start? »
The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing – Google Digital Workshops
The MOOC : Become an entrepreneur of change
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, the great figures of entrepreneurship never cease to fascinate us . If you too have this adventurous soul and a desire to revolutionize the world, to go after your dreams and ideas, here is the ideal MOOC. Regardless of age, training, and professional experience, everyone can get started in this online training . Plan 3 hours per week for a total of 35 hours, with 7 chapters spread over 7 weeks to become an entrepreneur of change. Challenge accepted?
Also read : How to know business is good for us?
MyMooc: the Spotify of online training
Want to become a creative writing pro or learn all about the art of public speaking ? MyMooc offers playlists with the best free resources on the web. More than a hundred themes are referenced, from mathematics, to music and art, via medicine… For each online course , opinions, notes & comments in French and in English, allow you to make good choices. In short, everything you need to discover your new passion or dust off old skills.
Learn permaculture online
Dropping everything to live on a permaculture farm… the idea has crossed our minds at one time or another. Before putting your hands on the ground, you can already learn the principles of permaculture behind your computer. This training is supervised by 14 experts who offer us 17 online modules divided into 5 sequences and spread over 8 weeks. Even if you don’t settle in your permaculture farm, you will still have learned a lot about this concept which allows you to think of ecological and societal solutions to create ecosystems. And that’s already not bad.